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OUR HISTORY? Our African American Ancestors Who Started The First Jubilee Celebration, Now Called Memorial Day


  • By this, I know that you are pleased with me; because my enemy has not triumphed over me. Psalms 41:11

OUR HISTORY? Our African American Ancestors Who Started The First Jubilee Celebration, Now Called Memorial Day.

Now, we all know, don’t confuse the British King or Queen Jubilee celebrations with our African American Jubilee celebrations. What is a jubilee celebration in the UK; or previous jubilee celebrations in the African-American culture, now called Memorial Day?

The History of the Pronunciation Emancipation Day, Jubilee Day; and Juneteenth; aka, June 19, 1865 celebrations. Why African Americans should study & revisit our own history!

The Juneteenth was inspired by British converts to remove the work of God’s hand in the American Civil War victory; by our mother & fathers of African American ancestry; aka, of non-British; or non-Germanic descent. Remember, the American Civil War was fought to enslave our ancestors forever and ever as property-not equal to no human. Oh, just a reminder; slavery was outlawed in Britain & its territories because of free labor from China & India.

 ·        “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, Luke 4:18-19

  • Happy are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance;           Psalm 89:15

This is why we have so many who are mixed raced Asians; who call themselves African Americans and are not; nor do they honor our God; or our mothers' and fathers’ labors of love.

·       Asians are the largest race and/or population in the world. Asians make up 60 percent of the world’s population. They are not a minority group in any form or fashion.

 The six largest Asian origin groups – Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese – accounted for 85% of all Asian Americans as of 2019. These groups together largely shape the demographic characteristics of the overall U.S. Asian population.

FACT: In 2000, China had 2.5 billion people, now as of 2019. China has 5.9 billion- it’s 2022 its probably around 6.2 billion now.

Remember, America has only roughly 350 million people of all races and/or ethnicities. China by population size is seven times larger than America. It’s our biblical foundation that make America a good nation-not our population, or size.

Why do China and/or Asians support and promote the pagan LGBTQ policies; and most of Asian nations are morally grounded nations on laws against homosexuality? Asians, want to destroy the American culturally! What make America great; our laws; or our laws & principles of grace; where any race or ethnicity can come to America, if you are faithful and loyal.

A POLICY TO PONDER: Asian countries and/or nations are procreating after themselves in the billions; aka, homosexuality is outlawed; nor is it evident; or present in their Asian nations. Why do they support; or push LGTBQ policies in America?

Question: Will America have a war and/or an armed conflict with any Asian country? Historically, Asian nations do not interfere; or intervene in international affairs which do not hinder their national intertext. However, since Hong Kong, China is now a Chinese territory, the Chinese used cultural spying where dual and triple citizens operate as both American citizens and citizens of other nations.


The British Jubilee is celebrated around the world, for the current King or Queen of the UK; to celebrate themselves and their own reign. In fact, historically it is to celebrate the life and legacy of and reign of the king or queen-after death. The UK's current Queen, Elizabeth II, has had three major jubilees: her Silver in 1977, Golden in 2002, and Diamond in 2012.


·       Why do so many British immigrate and become naturalized citizens in the United States? All British citizens and/or subjects are always British converts for life; you cannot rescind your British citizenship never ever. So, believe it or not, we currently have British citizens serving in American positions of authority & power, actively advancing their LGBTQ political agenda; again, it is a type of a New Jim Crow, world order. All Jim Crow systems are built upon social control, and social propaganda where all of its propaganda is orchestrated by British citizens and/or subjects; to regain British supremacy over America.

 But America’s government was created to model an earthly type of the Kingdom of God. It’s a grace model. Under the old model; or the law; neither British; nor Germanic ancestry could never be citizens. Why? Because these nations have declared war on the United States over five times jointly; aka, are previously sworn enemies of America's pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Our current Foreign Affairs Manuel-FAM embodies the old and the new laws; based upon faithfulness and loyalty to the United States of America.

 Questions: Does the current US Supreme Court, the Federal Court of Appeals; or the Federal District courts honor the Foreign Affairs Manuel-FAM? No, no, and no; and has not for decades upon decades.

Because in Great Britain; aka, the UK all citizens are not equal to the British crown-they are considered “UNEQUAL” British subjects. They are not equal to know one. In God’s Kingdom, we are joint heirs in the Kingdom of God with the prerequisite of faithfulness and stead love. In fact, God gives us an everlasting comforter; or helper which is called the Holy Spirit. 

From an Ancient Biblical Hebrew perspective, the Holy Spirit is a type of authority & power of the Eternal Father and the Son working in agreement. So, in a concrete sense, the Holy Spirit can be considered a motherly covering.

·       Okay, now we all know the reason why Great Britain is threatening the American heritage of God’s path for America. Anglo-Saxons were a rule of law people- a type of Israel; and African Americans, a people of the faith-a type of Judah. Both houses make us whole & complete, African Americans are more concrete people our ancestors had time-tested wisdom. And the Anglo-Saxon people believe that law and order are the foundation of a good nation. However, today these foundational principles are being tested in our Democratic & Republican parties.

Now, the biblical Jubilee and our African American Jubilee is to celebrate what God has done for our ancestors from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob up to this generation.

OUT OF BONDAGE (EGYPT); AKA, SLAVERY, Bondages, Economic Hindrances'

And when in time to come your son asks you, ‘What does this mean?’ you shall say to him, ‘By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Exodus 13:14


If you didn’t know, now you do. Memorial Day and its origins is rooted in sacrifices and the glory of victory in the Civil War campaign. From 1865 to 1971 this holiday celebration has changed to include all soldiers of war campaigns; (i.e. Confederate armies too) but its foundation is still rooted in the honor and glory of the fist Civil War festivals; specifically, organized by African-American families, communities, churches and citizens and this celebration later became an official federal holiday in 1971. Everybody enjoys a good picnic!


The first document and published Memorial Day celebration were inspired by our African American ancestors; especially, the freed slaves. According to historians, the birthplace of Memorial Day was Waterloo, New York.


In fact, at the close of the Civil War, freed slaves in Charleston honored fallen Union soldiers. It was decades later that the holiday began to honor both Union and Confederate soldiers together. I don’t read in the bible, or history doesn’t reflect that we honor a people; or an adversary who attempted to destroy us forever; you honor God; and the pathway for victory.


Ex: We don’t see German and European Jews honoring Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany for murdering and/or killing 10 million Jews. We have a “Memorial Day” to preserve, protect and pay homage to our ancestors; and to show respect to all Union soldiers; and their families who believe in the same principles, precepts, and promises while making sure history doesn’t repeat itself.


Memorial Day was born out of necessity. After the American Civil War, a battered United States was faced with the task of burying and honoring the 600,000 to 800,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who had died in the single bloodiest military conflict in American history. The first national commemoration of Memorial Day was held in Arlington National Cemetery on May 30, 1868, where both Union and Confederate soldiers are buried.


Several towns and cities across America claim to have observed their own earlier versions of Memorial Day or “Decoration Day” as early as 1866. (The earlier name is derived from the fact that decorating graves was and remains a central activity of Memorial Day.) But it wasn’t until a remarkable discovery in a dusty Harvard University archive in the late 1990s that historians learned about a Memorial Day commemoration organized by a group of freed black slaves less than a month after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865.


“There was a file labeled ‘First Decoration Day,’” remembers Blight, still amazed at his good fortune. “And inside on a piece of cardboard was a narrative handwritten by an old veteran, plus a date referencing an article in The New York Tribune. That narrative told the essence of the story that I ended up telling in my book, of this march on the race track in 1865.”


U.S. CONFEDERATE STATES AGENDA: Preserve Their Economy; aka, The Institution of Slavery.


The Civil War, which ultimately liberated the country’s African-American slaves, began in 1861. But the preservation of the Union, not the abolition of slavery, was the initial governmental agenda and the political tool of choice was an Executive Order” near the end of President Lincoln’s political aspirations.


Let’s revisit Abraham Lincoln’s; and his evolution and history of making compromises to preserve the Union; by deceit; and for his real endeavors, he wished to achieve; but failed miserably.

What did Abraham Lincoln believe about slavery?


Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery. For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization-or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America; this was the best way to confront the problem of slavery in his political and social opinion.


Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62


But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8


Example: We should walk in the path of our ancestors (parents, grandparents & great-grandparents ); if, they believed in one husband as a male-man; and one wife-female-man with their family (i.e. children) why should we be defiant, and change something that is good (functional).




Lincoln didn’t believe African-Americans or “blacks” at that time; should have the same rights as whites.


In fact, President Lincoln’s parents were of “Mulatto” ancestry; aka, they were black and white. In today’s terms, they were biracial, I called it bipolar (i.e., a person with mixed beliefs & double-minded character traits- I’m for marriage & I’m for same-sex policy) Although Abraham Lincoln argued that the founding fathers’ phrase “All men are created equal” applied to blacks and whites alike, this did not mean he thought they should have the same social and political rights. His views became clear during an 1858 series of debates with his opponent in the Illinois race for U.S. Senate, Stephen Douglas, who had accused him of supporting “negro equality.”


In their fourth debate, at Charleston, Illinois, on September 18, 1858, Lincoln made his position clear. “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,” he began, going on to say that he opposed blacks having the right to vote, to serve on juries, to hold office and to intermarry with whites.


Abraham Lincoln was a master orator and an intellectual juggernaut (i.e, fictitious characters in a story) with words. Because what Lincoln says earlier changed later on in his political career to win-at any cost. What he did believe was that, like all men, blacks had the right to improve their condition in society and to enjoy the fruits of their labor. In this way they were equal to white men, and for this reason slavery was inherently unjust. Like his views on emancipation, Lincoln’s position on social and political equality for African-Americans would evolve over the course of his presidency. In the last speech of his life, delivered on April 11, 1865, he argued for limited black suffrage, saying that any black man who had served the Union during the Civil War should have the right to vote.




The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.


The Executive Order; or the Spoils of War principle ordered General Sherman’s redistributes the 400,000 acres from Atlanta to the northward part of South Carolina. Radical Republicans in the U.S. Congress, like Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, for some time had pushed for land redistribution in order to break the back of Southern slaveholders’ power. This is a battle of economics and not for equity redistribution.

 THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: The Glory Continues...we do the possible...God does the impossible!


Sources & Works Cited Editors. “Memorial Day.”, A&E Television Networks, 27 Oct. 2009,


Lynch, Hollis. “African Americans.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 26 Feb. 2020,


McDonald, Norris. “40 Acres……… And A Mule.” 40 Acres……… And A Mule, 1 Jan. 1970,


“Special Field Orders No. 15.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Jan. 2020,


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