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Lessons Learned: Latino-Hispanic "TOC" Neighbors Have Forgotten Their Drug Lord & Violent History Of Attrocities

  Failed leadership within our federal government is the root cause of America’s “CITIZENSHIP” failures; foremost let's start with the State Department, the “Alter Ego” of all evil by way of the CIA. The path for citizenship used to be based upon faithfulness and assimilation to the US Constitution. Now, if you are a coward who works for, snitches; or is a confidential informant for the CIA, DEA & the State Department….we can get you citizenship status.  ALTER EGO: [A CONTRARY MIND THAT IS EDGING GOD OUT ]... a person's secondary or alternative personality, "in the flesh she is a million miles from her photographic alter ego" an intimate and trusted friend. Did you know that Haitians are of Latino-Hispanic heritage? Remember, African-Americans are not GERMANS, BRITISH, HISPANIC, OR ARE WE LATINO’S. But our shrewd and crafty friend-enemies have continually called our African-American mothers and fathers; especially our GOD an “LGBTQ.” Yes, our enemies boldly call o

Biden administration plans expulsion of Haitian migrants near Texas border

RESPECT OF PERSONS: Means to treat all people in the same way The intent of the law should not have no respecter of persons.  Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, Acts 10:34 Peter then said: Now I am certain that God treats all people alike. Acts 10:34 The U.S. Government began moving and flying mass expulsion of Hatians from the Texas, Mexico border. However, about a year ago there was a mass influx of migrants from Central America; but the government set up temporary housing, medical tents, and added federal funds Homeland Security to help Central Americans to reunite with their families. Why have things changed racially ?and politically. If the immigration policy says that you must give food, water, medical supplies, humanitarian aid and temporary housing shelter to Central American migrants crossing the Mexico-US border that policy should be applied to Hatians from Haiti. Just as this immigraton policy was applied t

Open Our Eyes: The Biden-Harris Hatians vs Central Americans Migrants Racial & Political Partiality

RESPECT OF PERSONS: Means to treat all people in the same way The intent of the law should not have no respecter of persons.  Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, Acts 10:34 Peter then said: Now I am certain that God treats all people alike. Acts 10:34 The U.S. Government began moving and flying mass expulsion of Hatians from the Texas, Mexico border. However, about a year ago there was a mass influx of migrants from Central America; but the government set up temporary housing, medical tents, and added federal funds Homeland Security to help Central Americans to reunite with their families. Why have things changed racially ?and politically. If the immigration policy says that you must give food, water, medical supplies, humanitarian aid and temporary housing shelter to Central American migrants crossing the Mexico-US border that policy should be applied to Hatians from Haiti. Just as this immigraton policy was applied t

13,000 Haitian migrants cross into Texas { Open Our Eyes To Racial & Political Partiality ]....

Open Our Eyes: The Biden-Harris Hatians vs Central Americans Migrants Racial & Political Partiality RESPECT OF PERSONS: Means to treat all people in the same way The intent of the law should not have no respecter of persons.  Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, Acts 10:34 Peter then said: Now I am certain that God treats all people alike. Acts 10:34 The U.S. Government began moving and flying mass expulsion of Hatians from the Texas, Mexico border. However, about a year ago there was a mass influx of migrants from Central America; but the government set up temporary housing, medical tents, and added federal funds Homeland Security to help Central Americans to reunite with their families. Why have things changed racially ?and politically. If the immigration policy says that you must give food, water, medical supplies, humanitarian aid and temporary housing shelter to Central American migrants crossing the Mexico-US

The League of Nations - the first 'world organisation' What was these men intent?

The French Diplomat Jean Monet quotes: ““We desire a United States of Europe.” …  This league of nations would entail the [ UK, France & Europe which included Nazi Germany]; aka, the League of Nations. But God decided that the United States of America be [ African American the house of Judah; aka, people of faith & house of Israel, the rule of law]; people who operate in the spirit of the law and the intent of the law] …where is your faith? In fact, the league of nations did not have one nation from Africa, Middle East, Asia or Caribbean nations are mentioned in its charter; nor did any nation share a unique American national anthem as “In God We Trust.”

LESSONS LEARNED: The Obama [LGBTQ ] & Biden [Vaccines-Booster ] British Fraught of Fears Are Laughable...

  Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. All that you do must be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13:14 Ancient Biblical Hebrew Thought: Be aware, be attentive, be circumspect of our surroundings, who are you?... Where are you from? our eyes & listen to what people say; always stand firm in our faith-never wavering, be courageous-intimidate the predators & pretenders. Adversity is our university where we overcome problems with firm faith and do it with loyal love. The opposite of fear is love. To be perfect is to be free of all fears. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 1 John 4:18 Now a new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. And he said to his people, “Behold, the people of the sons of Israel are too many and too mighty for us. Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, otherwise, they will multiply, and ]in the event of war, they w