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The Power Of Worship: Enter Into "HIS GATES," & "HIS COURTS" With Praise; aka, To Boasts!


What Is The Difference Between Praise & Worship? Do You Know?

  • Mr. Clayborn’s favorite praise is to “Halal,” which is to boast in the LORD boldly, to boast bravely in the LORD, to show off in private and publicly. 

And the man bowed down his head and worshipped the LORD. Genesis 24:25

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2

While the foolish are spreading their equality foolishness, we boast in the LORD that he loadeth us up daily with benefits [ assets, derivatives, options and most of all-equity [money upon money ]...

  • The good leave an inheritance to their children’s children,  but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. Proverbs 13:22

Ancient Biblical Hebrew Tip: 

In Mr. Clayborn’s forthright revelations the more, I study [abstractly & concretely ]  the word of God; aka, in the Hebrew, the Greek, the Latin; and/or any of the ancient Semitic languages. Guess what, we should realize-the more we don’t know about God. These two words on “Worship,” and “Praise” are so fulfilling it's like eating at a smorgasbord;   and then having your dessert. Why? Because you are just too full to eat anymore.

Question: What is a smorgasbord for you millennials?

Answer: [ smor·gas·bord ] a buffet offering a variety of hot and cold meats, salads, hors d'oeuvres, etc; aka, and a wide range of something; a variety.

For example: "the music album is a smorgasbord of different music styles and artists. Is God a smorgasbord God, or a God of “ehhad,” or a God of oneness, harmony and/or agreement. 

ONE NATION UNDER ONE GOD: Not Many Gods; Or Many Cultures...but all cultures working in harmony and/or agreement to become one nation. 

Praise & Worship Biblical Terms

Worship – What is the meaning of the English word “Worship?”

Shachah – The primary Hebrew word for worship

Proskuneo – The primary Greek word for worship

Halal – A Hebrew word for crazy exuberant praise

Shabach – A Hebrew word for loud praise

Tehillah – A Hebrew word for song of praise

Zamar – A Hebrew word for making music accompanied by strings

Yadah – A Hebrew word for extending the hands in thanksgiving and praise

Towdah – A Hebrew word for a thanks offering

Barak – A Hebrew word for kneeling before God in humble


Webster’s Dictionary defines "worship" as;

  1. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.

  2. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.

When we read the Bible we must define our words from an Ancient Biblical Hebraic perspective and not from an English one. Unfortunately, when we see the word "worship" in the Bible we automatically assume the above definition causing miss-interpretation of the Biblical text.

If I asked the average believer, "Is it okay to worship a man?" The answer would be, "Absolutely not, we are only to worship God." Below are a few verses that use the word "worship" and support this view.

  • Genesis 24:26 And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD.

  • 1 Samuel 15:31 So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD.

  • Psalm 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

The first question we must ask is, "What is the Hebrew word behind the English word ‘worship’ and what does it mean?" In each of the verses above the Hebrew word behind the English word "worship" is שחה (Sh.Hh.H, Strong's #7812) . This Hebrew word appears 172 times in the Biblical text, but is only translated as "worship" 99 times in the KJV. Below are some other translations of this same Hebrew word.

  • Gen 27:29 Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee

In this passage other nations will bow down to the descendants of Jacob.

  • Exo 18:7 And Moses went out to meet his father in law, and did obeisance, and kissed him; and they asked each other of [their] welfare; and they came into the tent.

In this passage Moses bowed down to his father-in-law.

  • 1 Kings 1:53 So king Solomon sent, and they brought [Adonijah] down from the altar. And he came and bowed himself to king Solomon: and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house.

In this passage Adonijah was found righteous when he bowed down to Solomon.

Whenever the Hebrew word שחה (Sh.Hh.H, Strong's #7812) is used as an action toward God, the translators translate this word as "worship". However, when this same Hebrew word is used as an action toward another man, the translators translate this word as "obeisance," "bowed" or "bow down". As you can see, the translators are preventing the reader from viewing the text in its proper Hebraic context.

The concept of "worship," as defined by Webster’s dictionary is not Hebraic in any way and is not found in the Bible. While there is nothing wrong with "worship," in the sense that we normally understand this word, we should recognize that it is not a Biblical concept. If the Hebraic meaning of "worship" is to bow down before another, whether God or man, as we have seen from the texts, then the answer to our question above is, "Yes, it is acceptable to worship other men." While this sentence may sound blasphemous due to our doctrinal view of "worship," we can do one of two things. We can remove the word worship from our vocabulary and replace it with "bow down" or we can use the word worship, but recognize that it does not mean what we have always assumed it to mean.

THE ABSENCE OF PRAISE & WORSHIP: Reveals Our Latent Sins & Transgressions

  • If we study and know history, we know that the nation Germany declared war on the United States of America; in World War I and World War II; and America has laws that restricts certain countries, its citizens; and its culture [ i.e, Neo Nazi-Germany white supremacy ]; and its and othres nations too; from becoming citizens. Why? Because of a history of a lack of trust and deception. This is why a German national cannot normally become naturalized [ swear oath & allegiance to one nation & one God ]...we don’t let Germans into this country because of their white supremacy idealogy per well-established laws; or Neo-Nazi idealogy. At least not under the letter of the law; or the spirit of the law; Germans who do become Americans must swear an oath and/or allegiance to become an American-not a German masquerading as a American; but assimilation [ being adopted or incrafted into ] a new culture, a new country; and new custom; aka, an way of doing things. 

  • The American way...petitioning the courts, protesting in the streets-peacefully-nor using a COVID-19 Pandemic; or using a plan-demic to enrich Germany through  multinational corporations; such as Pfiezer “VACCINE” through an German international “Pharma,” Drug Cartel to poison millions upon millions of Americans; nor to spread fear in the name of politics and not because of personal hatred because of being impeached twice- for legitimate and governmental “treasonous” purposes. But because it is all of our duties to maintain good order and good governance.

  • Another example; in the nation of Israel, you have German, European and African nationals that migrate and/or emigrate to Israel, to become citizens of a “Hebrew,” culture. The official language in Israel is not “Jewish,” but Hebrew. The culture of a nation dominates the nation, if the culture honors, respects and the rule of law. The nation survives and thrives. 

  •  The official language of the United States is not British English, Australian English; but American English; and with that comes the culture of America; the rule of law; and “In God We Trust.” That’s the American culture; if you are a African-American [ pre and post Civil African-American ancestry ] you hold to the “In God We Trust.” Because that’s how you identify yourself as being AMERICAN. We are people of faith, even if the laws of the land-don’t go our way, we believe in the God of laws-to divinely intervene on behalf to change the laws; and the leaders of the land. We don’t lie to get ahead, we don’t deceive to get ahead, we don’t poison other citizens to get ahead, we just keep on being faithful, respectful; and honoring the God of the U.S. Constitution; or the unseen Godly hands-doing seen things on our behalf. This is why America is a prototype of a complete and/or mature government which is modeled after the Kingdom of God.

  1. The House of Israel [ the rule of law ]

  2. The House of Judah; [ the house of faith-action; both houses, make one united government; aka, one nation. By faith and faith with works!

  • “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.  Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-19

  • To destroy the law is to say; DEFUND THE POLICE, that’s not God’s way/

SOLUTION: Hold the individual and/or corporate police officers and federal agents personally responsible for manipulating the law for their personal, private and non-professional gain. For example, we saw how Donald John Trump and Barack Hussein Obama used their German and British ancestry to deceive and manipulate Americans and themselves in actuality-that they can destroy America for their personal gain.

  • Germany is a nation and/or a culture [ white supremacy ideology to destroy the world in the name of ideology ] that has historically repeatedly hated American values and customs. Know they use medicine and cyber-warfare in video games and action-figure movies that Germany is a good nation and/or a righteous nation. No sir, no madam….Donald John Trump has validated that the lessons of history should never be forgotten and the lessons learned should be passed down from generation-to-generation; specifically, they shall never be forsaken.

  • The United Kingdom or Great Britain empire fell due to its royal lineage history of deep-seated hatred fo religious freedoms and real estate property rights-not being held for all its citizens; only noblemen and women had equal access;under the law; and everything was in the name of a earthly queen or king-not the LORD OF HOSTS from heaven. Yes, Great Britian abolished slavery but for what reason and for what purpose...was it that international slavery was beconming more cheaper. Slavery, bondage and immigration is a economic revenue for the rich wanting to get richer. Do you think that a man like Donald John Trump who has publicly said; “ I don’t taxes is smart,.” would ever make it on his own without being a master manipulator, or having to work, labor and actually study academics. We know now, the man is not very bright or an astute individual. His only claim to fame is to use “White Supremacy; or Neo-Nazi rhetoric to stir up rebellions and discord-for his personal gain to enrich Germany; and his repeated failed attempts to remove German troops from Germany.

  • Or Barack Hussein Obama, the non-Affrican-American who was raised by his white mother; AND HIS CHILDHOOD ASIAN FATHER FROM MALAYSIA; and his white grandfather. Remember, he was NOT raised by a black [ British ancestors ] or African-American [ pre-Civil War ancestors]; but we do know that he did despise our fathers in the church; OUR CULTURE; and he also dispised his wise counsel of U.S. military leaders who warned him that to legalize homosexuality [ same-sex marriage ] wouldl destory the Obama-Biden legacies; and his administrations contributions shall be overturned; and abolished quickly.  REMEMBER, GOD HAS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS. 

  • Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

  • who uses intellectual and religious charisma to manipulate women and children for his personal, private, and non-governmental gain for spreading “heresy” into our nation. It is common knowledge that a male-man and a female-man can only procreate-marriage is ordained by God, and this is the only institution if the world where all cultures believe in. If you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindi, or any other person of faith. We all know and believe that marriage is between a man a woman. And when you have a mother and a father in a house or home-the child has the greatest chance to succeed in life-not, one parent. What will we do in twenty years….will we let two dogs and two cats get married too; and even to humans.


Example: Republicans and Democrats; the U.S. Congress [ the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives ]; the Son of God; and the Father. The mother and the father, sons, and daughters. Both work in agreement and/or harmony.

  •  If you are an Anglo-Saxon [ non-Germanic ideology ]; you believe in the rule of law, in the U.S. Constitution; and the English Bible as your official culture

  • This is something Mr. Clayborn noticed in reading the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English scriptures. God through Adam, through Moses, through Abraham, though Issac; and especially through Jacon [ Israel } describe to our fathers [ and faithful mothers ] to always work in agreement and harmony to be one; aka, one nation.

  • The opening of the Shema (or the “Saying”), a central teaching of all scriptures;  says that the Lord is one: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4).

 Websites & Works Cited

“Ancient Hebrew Vocabulary: Worship: AHRC.” Ancient Hebrew Vocabulary: Worship | AHRC,

“Hebrew Word Definition: Worship: AHRC.” Hebrew Word Definition: Worship | AHRC,

“King James Version.” Biblia,

“Strong's #02691 - חָצֵר - Old Testament Hebrew Lexical Dictionary.”,


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